3 Amazing Benefits of Meditation and Mindfulness

Procrastination is the enemy of productivity. But sometimes, we don’t have control over ingrained habits to delay productivity and linger on one task. 

And it is not always about laziness, either. Procrastination can be due to depression, anxiety, or stress. 

What is the best cure for procrastination? Meditation and mindfulness can help you beat bad habits and ultimately become more productive. 

Meditation and Mindfulness – What Is Their Impact?

The power of meditation is the process of achieving mental and emotional stability through deep relaxation and focus. 

Mindfulness is the state of being aware of the present moment and accepting all thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. 

Meditation and mindfulness are the true procrastination medication. 

Check out the impact of meditation and mindfulness on productivity:

1. Build Your Attention Muscle

Meditating and self-awareness will allow you to build better habits. 

For example, waking up at 5 a.m. to exercise is difficult to achieve. But when you meditate and focus on that objective, you will soon find yourself waking up early with no need for an alarm clock. 

2. Inner Peace and Happiness

Millions of people live in busy, fast-paced urban centers. Finding calm, patience, and focus in these places can be difficult. But you can take a practical approach to meditation and consider it a way of living deliberately.

Integrate calmness and calmness into your everyday life to achieve inner peace and happiness. The city will not calm down for you, so you must do it for yourself. 

3. Improved Productivity

Serenity brings focus. When you achieve inner peace through meditation and mindfulness, you can concentrate on creating a presentation for work, doing household chores, playing with your kids, or completing other tasks. These simple activities will give you great satisfaction when you do them right. 

Meditation and mindfulness bring clarity to thoughts, emotions, and goals, allowing you to concentrate on your task. The quicker you accomplish one activity, the sooner you can move on to the next one. 

Meditation and Mindfulness Challenge

Can you really overcome procrastination?

Here is a challenge to integrate the power of meditation and mindfulness in your daily life: Practice meditation and mindfulness and work out your attention muscles for five to 10 minutes in the next seven days. 

This entails silence, breathing, and just living in the moment. 

The first few times you do it, your mind will likely resist the challenge. It’s normal. Mindfulness and meditation effectively train the mind to overpower the brain’s instinctual limbic system. It is part of the brain that we use in our behavioral and emotional responses. 

Every time you reign in your wandering mind and bring it back to focus on your breathing, your attention muscle will become stronger, and you can focus on work more deliberately.

In just a few days, you will feel different. 

How do I stop postponing my life?

Plant One Micro-Intention Into Planned Activities

What is micro-intention? It is a very light intention that you integrate into your routine.

Let’s say your micro-intention is to be more reflective.

  • Before opening your morning emails, pause and think about what you want to accomplish for the day. 
  • Before reading messages on your phone, reflect on your day. 
  • Before attending a meeting, take a minute to gather your thoughts. 

It’s definitely an incredible thing to train your brain to conquer itself. And when you learn to do this, you will achieve a very big milestone in your quest to improve your productivity. 

All it takes is a few minutes of your time every day to meditate and be mindful. 

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