We utilize Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to ensure lasting results!

Based on your answers we recommend 3 month personalized plan

Eliminate burnout

in 3 months, you will feel less stressed


Your mental burnout probability level


Of people with similar results significantly decreased their mental exhaustion within 2 weeks

More energy,
less frustration

Your productivity will drastically improve

You’re not alone!

We are here to help you


Of our members experience similar burnout and overthinking triggers.


Of our members have started with identical burnout and overthinking levels.


Of our members managed to eliminate burnout and overthinking in 4 weeks.

Your personal summary:

Your results indicate that you may be experiencing several symptoms of burnout and overthinking.

Anxiety Score

Anxiety Score indicates your current anxiety level. Higher the score, higher the risk.

Your biggest struggle

Your biggest struggle indicates that you tend to overthink.

Overthinking level

Overthinking level indicates your emotional performace potential.

Mental health index

Mental health index indicates your mental health performance.

Prevent them from becoming a problem and learn how to deal with them at your own pace.

Your personal summary:

Tailor-made program to avoid burnout and overthinking.
Custom productivity and motivation-boosting system.
Daily guidance from success coaches.
Behavior tracking and progress reviews!


Daily 5-10 minute lessons that will rewire your brain in 3 months.


Tools that will work specifically for you.


Life changing insights.


Of content that meets your quiz answers.

Virtue Map will help you to:

Less thinking, more doing. Start now and Your future self will thank You.

Identify the most common triggers for your mental exhaustion.
Complete inspiring and practical burnout-reducing exercises.
Develop effective routines to eliminate stressful moments quickly.
Get rid of burnout and overthinking by changing your brain’s neurological pathways.
Significantly boost productivity, attention and daily focus.
Become happier, more focused and overthinking-free.

“Our team of behavioral psychologists has built Virtue Map anti-burnout program to make sure everyone can access affordable and customizable help to improve their mental health.

With Virtue Map, we will tailor small everyday tasks to help you feel better. You will not get a one-size-fits-all template. Instead, this program will help you explore all the possible tools to manage your burnout and overthinking levels without medication.

You are not alone. Don’t worry! We will figure this out together.”

Virtue Map Team

Cognitive Behavioral Therapists

Virtue Map’s techniques were covered in:

Results may vary due to personal features. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. www.virtuemap.com clearly states that it is not a medical organisation and cannot give the customer any medical advice or assistance. The customer is solely responsible for evaluating and assessing his own health.

© 2023 Virtue Map. All rights reserved.