5 Foolproof Ways Tech Can Help Hack Efficiency This Year!


Stop me if you’ve heard this one. Your work emails pile up more and more by the day. Your Christmas decorations have been calling out to be put away for weeks- or is it months now? That knitting you swore you’d finish this holiday season sits untouched in the corner.  

You swore you’d get things done this morning, but afternoon rolls around, and you find yourself doomscrolling Facebook or Instagram yet again, with no end in sight. It’s a common problem all around the world, with screen time for adults averaging 17 hours a day during the pandemic. 

Technology is meant to be helping us reach our goals, not make them harder than ever to achieve. The solution isn’t to chuck your phone out the window (although it certainly feels that way some days!) In fact, with just a few tweaks to how you utilize it, tech can go from being the sworn enemy of efficiency to its closest ally. 

Hack One: Curate your Digital Space

It’s no secret that certain apps pull you in more than others. With home screen customization and app blockers on your phone, it’s easier than ever to avoid the sinking sand of social media.
There are lots of tutorials online that show you how to create a “focus mode” on your phone so that when it’s time to work, the only apps you can see are the ones you use for the task at hand. This will eliminate the temptation to hop from Slack to Pinterest.
Apps like Actuflow or Cold Turkey Blocker help you to set time limits or make it even more difficult to access these apps.

Hack Two: Try out Hyper-Scheduling or AI-Assisted Planning

How you visualize your day can have a significant impact on your ability to accomplish your to-do list. If you simply tell yourself you’ll “do work” or “clean” for a few hours, you’ll not only overestimate the time you have to zone out but you’ll also be left without anything to celebrate. 

Having small wins throughout the day helps to build momentum, keeping you on track. Apps like Sorted allow you to hyper-schedule your day and know exactly what needs to get done. This way you’ll always have another task to check off to keep you motivated. 

Other task management apps like Motion can use AI to help you plan out your day, making sure you’re prepared for all those high-priority tasks on your list. 

Hack Three: Target Time Sucks with Add-Ons

If you notice that hours of your time are spent sifting through emails or moving information from one app to another, consider looking for add-ons or plug-in options to do that busy work for you.
A great example is Boomerang, which archives important emails and helps clear out your inbox. There are loads of easy apps that you can simply download and cut time off of your work by editing your writing, keeping you on task, or tracking your time.

Hack Four: Fill Small Pockets of Time

Apps like Office Otter will search through your emails, slack, and even Siri conversations to find tasks that can get done in just a couple of minutes. That way, when you have a pocket of time you don’t know what to do with – and might feel tempted to fill with some Candy Crush – you can check an item off your to-do list for some instant gratification.
This also means you won’t have to set aside an hour at the end of the day to do all those little nitpicky things you’ve been putting off. They got done without you even noticing!

Hack Five: Continuously Learn

The previous four hacks work well to mitigate the symptoms of procrastination, but they don’t get to the core of the problem. One of the most amazing things that technology can do for us is connect us to information that can better our lives.
Using Virtue Map’s plans will help you get to the bottom of what’s keeping you from being efficient. With the help of experts in Cognitive Behavior Therapy and the science of procrastination, our daily tasks and lessons will get you on track to being the best version of yourself possible. All that help through the power of technology!

The Bottom Line

How you visualize your day can have a significant impact on your ability to accomplish your to-do list. If you simply tell yourself you’ll “do work” or “clean” for a few hours, you’ll not only overestimate the time you have to zone out but you’ll also be left without anything to celebrate. 

Having small wins throughout the day helps to build momentum, keeping you on track. Apps like Sorted allow you to hyper-schedule your day and know exactly what needs to get done. This way you’ll always have another task to check off to keep you motivated. 

Other task management apps like Motion can use AI to help you plan out your day, making sure you’re prepared for all those high-priority tasks on your list. 

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