Is it ADD or Am I Just a Procrastinator?


What’s Holding You Back – ADD or Procrastination? Here’s What I Learned About Myself!

Every time, something stops me from starting. You might think it’s poor time management, but procrastination has deeper roots. It’s time to find out where those lead to make a change.

If you procrastinate, I have good news. You’re NOT lazy. And you’re not disorganized.

Do you want to know why you do it?

I know I wanted to know. Or to put it properly, I NEEDED to know.

And what I learned in this discovery about myself is something I’m sharing with everyone that procrastinates because you need to hear it too.

You’re procrastinating because you can’t regulate those emotions. That’s classic ADHD right there.

So, how do you react when someone tells you to just do what you’ve been putting off? Anyone? Well, likely, it goes over about as well as a lead balloon. You don’t tell someone with clinical depression to just cheer up, do you? So why are we always told to just get it done? This isn’t a time management issue.

In fact, when I learned that people like me that chronically procrastinate do so because they can’t manage negative feelings tied to a specific task, it was a game-changer.

See, there’s this gap between what you know you need to do and yet you’re not able to make yourself do it. You live in this limbo, which I know so well because for years, I lived there too.

When you have ADD or ADHD, it’s something you have to struggle with every single day.

Why You May Procrastinate More with ADD and ADHD

There isn’t a person on the planet that hasn’t procrastinated. But those of us with ADHD or ADD have a black belt in avoiding tasks. We do it to mask our feelings of failure.

Because trying to get things done is overwhelming. We shut down immediately rather than confront it. What makes me such an expert? Well, as I said, I’ve been doing this for years.

I’ve tried so many things to help me work through my procrastination too. I’ve made list. I’ve read books. I’ve done it all. But until I unraveled the mystery behind WHY I was doing it, nothing ever changed.

Once I learned how to handle those emotions and negative moods that came about when I had to do certain things, I was able to move forward.

Even if you don’t have these conditions and you still procrastinate, there’s a reason why. You have to find that reason in order to set yourself free.

How Do I Stop Procrastinating?

I knew you were going to ask me that! The thing is, you’re not going to stop if you keep starting with the same cookie-cutter solutions that you’ve likely already tried. They’re not going to work for you.

No, you won’t be stuck like this forever. You just need a tailored procrastination program that gets to those roots of your problem.

Whether you have ADD, ADHD, or you’re just a procrastinator, you need tactics to deal with it that are made just for you. With ADD and ADHD, the reasons you procrastinate are tied to your emotions. But for others, it could be something else.

We can’t all use the same exact thing or we’ll never get results. But there’s good news because someone finally put together a program that personalizes an anti-procrastination plan for you. It changed my life!

How Can a Personalized Anti-Procrastination Plan Help?

After years and years of procrastinating, the secret to my success was getting a personalized anti-procrastination plan that got to the root of my procrastination. Searching for the “why” behind what I was doing was the only way I could become efficient and not put things off anymore.

I took a quick quiz and soon was given my own personalized plan. The tools include things for accountability, worksheets, trackers, and stuff personalized for me. It has an app too that also gives you access to support groups.

I know it might sound crazy, but if you’ve tried everything else and you’re right at the same spot, try this one thing now because it is the key to stopping procrastination and starting to live life on your terms.

Because it’s personalized, it stays a step ahead of you so you stay focused and stop putting things off. I had success coaches helping me stay accountable, another crucial component in getting to where I wanted to be.

I’ve been doing this for a few months now and I feel like I’ve grown leaps and bounds. Even with ADD or ADHD, you can put procrastination behind you with this personalized tools that won’t let you fail.

Where to Get Your Own Personalized Anti-Procrastination Plan

I’m willing to bet that you’ve spent time reading this because you have ADD and/or you’re procrastinating with something else. I know, I know! That’s because I was the same way too.

So, while you’re already avoiding a task, take a few extra minutes and take a quick quiz that will help you. This quiz will give you a personalized anti-procrastination solution so you can turn things around.

It’s a simple solution that has worked for me and hundreds of thousands of others too. Developed from a behavioral psychologist and certified success coach, your plan is entirely personalized so that it makes sense for you.

It doesn’t make any sense to continue on like you’re doing. Something has to change, and the good news is that you won’t have to do it alone. With these proven tools, you can finally break free of that procrastination rut and move forward.

Click here to get your own personalized anti-procrastination plan!

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anti-procrastination approach suits you best
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