What Every Procrastinator Needs To Know Before The Next Big Recession Hits


My name is Mark and if you’re reading this chances are you struggle big-time with procrastination.

If so, then I personally know what you’re going through – because I used to be the same way.

I could never get anything done when I wanted to. I always waited until the last second…and it was ruining my life.

But when my job started letting people go…coupled with everything I’d been hearing about a recession…I knew I had to get my act together – and fast.

Thankfully, the free and simple solution I found was nothing short of a gamechanger…

Because it finally helped me understand the “type” of procrastinator I am – which turned out to be the missing key to overcoming the procrastination that plagued me my whole life.

I’ll share this “missing key” with you in a second…

But first I want to explain why it’s never been more important to beat your procrastination habit right this moment

Because chances are you’ve seen the writing on the wall.

If you’ve been to the grocery store…

Filled up a tank of gas…

Or re-ordered something you’ve been buying for a while now…

The signs have only gotten more obvious:

We’re on a one-way road to an ugly recession.

In fact, many say we’re already shoulders-deep in one…

As a poll by YouGov showed 56% of Americans say we’re currently in a recession (and over half of those say it’s worse than the 2008 recession)…

We’ve gone from $1.96 gas to $4.54 gas from 2020 to 2022 (a whopping 182% increase)…

Stocks and crypto have plummeted with the government now confirming Q1 GDP fell (a landmark indicator of recessions)…

And let’s not even get into the current conflict and world situation.

And now we’re feeling the pain where it hurts most:

In our wallets and bank accounts as we get to the end of the month with less and less…

Through pay raises that hardly even matter (thanks to sky-high levels of inflation)…

And as we struggle to save up cash in hopes of making our futures better (even though we’re not spending any more than we used to).

Now this situation is hard enough on the average person (and even the high achievers)…

But for us procrastinators, it’s not something we can afford to ignore.

Because if you’re a chronic procrastinator like me, you know what it’s like to ‘leave life until the last minute’.

The scramble to submit a paper minutes before the deadline…

The poor productivity that piles up into a huge problem when we realize how little we’ve gotten done…

And the constant guilt and dread from putting off important tasks (while knowing we’ll get a wake-up call sooner or later).

And unlike what most non-procrastinators think, it’s not an optional choice.

It’s just something we have to deal with no matter how much it makes our lives miserable (or so I once thought – more on this in a second)…

But it’s not just the usual stress of assignments and deadlines we’ve got to worry about now…

Because the impending recession has put everything into ‘crunch mode’ – which is the worst possible situation for us procrastinators.

Employers are tightening their belts and laying off people left and right…

Asking for more with less people around to do it…

All while we get paid less than ever before (because our dollars are worth less on the most basic essentials).

And considering many think this coming recession will be even worse than 2008 (a year employers laid off about 1.5 million workers)…


It’s going to take everything we have to stay afloat and make it through these troubling times…

Meaning the pressure to perform at our best has never been higher.

And with all the bad news coming out every day, the horizon only seems to get darker and darker…

Which leads to one very important fact:

Conquering our procrastination is no longer optional.

Whether it’s earning more to outpace rising everyday costs (through getting a promotion, better-paying job or just becoming a more valuable employee)…

Starting a side hustle or learning an income-producing skill (so that we have a backup plan in case the worst happens)…

Or ensuring we’re not the victims of layoffs and downsizing (as the pressure to perform only gets higher and higher)…

Being the highest-performing and most productive version of ourselves has never been more important.

Of course, conquering a diehard procrastination habit is easier said than done…

In fact, if you gave me a magic wand to wave it away instantly, I would have done it years ago!

That’s why stumbling upon this free and simple procrastination quiz one late night was a game-changer for me.

At first I thought it was like most of those generic personality quizzes I’ve seen online…

Until the following words caught my eye:

You can’t beat your procrastination until you find out what kind of procrastinator you are.

I never even knew there were different types of procrastinators until I heard that.

But as I continued to read on, I knew this was something different. 

It wasn’t another “hack” that didn’t work or “5 quick tips” written by someone who doesn’t know what procrastination even is.

It was designed by psychologists and wellness professionals to be simple, powerful, and for even the worst procrastination cases.

So I answered a few questions and was rewarded with a customized three-month plan to help me beat my procrastination once and for all.

My custom plan included specific reminders and action tasks that felt achievable yet moved me forward.

And in just one month I felt a huge difference in my ability to get started on important tasks and projects right away…

Feel more confident at work and my life as whole…

And be the productive person I always wanted to be. 

Now it’s no magic wand and it won’t fix your procrastination overnight (anything that claims it will is a flat-out lie)…

But it can make you make massive progress in just a few small steps a day…so you can leave procrastination behind once and for all.

So if you’d like to finally get rid of procrastination from your life once and for all, I highly encourage you to take the same quiz I took.

It’s called the Virtue Map quiz and getting started is simple, free and easy. There’s no downside but massive upside.

Just answer some questions and you’ll be given a custom plan that makes overcoming procrastination so easy you’ll wish you found it years ago like me.

Answer a quick quiz and discover which
anti-procrastination approach suits you best
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