What is your age?
This information will help us measure your personal procrastination score.
How often do you start your assignments at the last possible minute?
Do you agree with the following statement?
"I often find it challenging to make a decision quickly."
How easily distracted are you?
When faced with something unpleasant, I tell myself I’ll get to it later.
Why do you feel you procrastinate?
Choose as many as you like
How long do you think you’ve procrastinated for?
This will determine how strong your neural connections of procrastination are.
Do you agree with the following statement?
"I promise myself I'll finish later, then I break my promise"
What do you feel happens when you procrastinate?
Choose as many as you like

“You’re not alone – procrastination often causes stress, guilt, or anxiety related to the loss of productivity or opportunities, which can promote even more procrastinating.

If you ever tried to beat procrastination and failed, it’s probably because you didn’t know what your procrastination type is.

To eliminate procrastination once and for all, you need to understand your type first and then follow a system that works specifically for you!

Science and Research Team
at Virtue Map

I come up with credible-sounding explanations to excuse my delays.
How often do you feel stressed or overburdened?
Why are you embarking on this journey to crush procrastination?
This will help us better understand your reasons for procrastination.
Choose as many as you like


“With so many productivity tools on the web, I felt I needed something that would tackle my reasons on why I procrastinate. Happy to say that Virtue Map did exactly that. Instead of trying EVERYTHING, I now understand exactly what works for me.

Definitely give it a try if you feel anxious or depressed once you miss your deadlines or fail to tackle important issues at work or in your relationship!

What do you need to live a procrastination-free life?
This will help us better understand your personal goals.
Choose as many as you like
What habits or activities do you tend to procrastinate on?
Choose all that apply to you - this will help us understand your personal habits.
Choose as many as you like
Are there any habits you’d like to quit?
Choose as many as you like

Virtue Map’s plan is based on behavioral science.

We deliver plans developed by psychologists, coaches and behavioral specialists to change the habits of consumers for the long term, and from the inside out.

Tell us what you'd be interested in your plan.
Choose as many as you like
How much time do you want to spend on self-development every day?
Where should we send your plan? Enter your email address:
We've created a plan that will guide you through your procrastination elimination journey.

We know you’re busy, so your plan needs as little as 5 minutes a day.

It’s all about the small changes leading to big results.

Are you READY?