If you thoroughly follow your guidelines, you can be sure you’ll discover something new about yourself and your procrastination! Read some of the Virtue Map reviews to make sure that it will work for you.

We do not collect personal data, such as name, surname, address or zip code; therefore, the collected data is anonymized. The payment data is collected via PayPal or Stripe and never stored in our database.

We support Credit Card, PayPal, Apple and Google Pay.

All of our plans were made by a team of Psychologists, Success Coaches, and a bunch of self-development geeks who thoroughly use the principles behind the program themselves.

After purchasing the plan, we send a confirmation email “Thank you for your purchase!” immediately, so in case you missed our emails, please check your Spam and Promotion inboxes. Our emails may have ended up there by mistake.

Also, you can simply start using our app right away (please check a section of “How can I start using an app for Virtue Map?”) to get your plan immediately.

If you’ve already acquired a Virtue Map plan, you can simply download the Virtue Map app and sign in using your email and password. These details would have been provided in the email confirming your order, or displayed on the Thank You page post-purchase. If you’re unsure about your login credentials, simply click on the ‘Forgot Password’ option and enter the same email address you used during the product purchase.

Here are the steps to follow if you face issues logging in to the Virtue Map Program app.

  1. Have you gone through the signup flow on the app already? (Note that after purchase you still need to sign up on the app.) If not, click on the “SIGNUP” button and proceed to register your account for the app.
  2. Make sure you enter the correct email and password (check for caps lock, spacing, grammar, input language, special characters, etc.).
  3. Try signing up with the same email you’re trying to log in with (sometimes app users use different email addresses for signup and login pages). The system will trigger a message notifying you if there is an account with this email already created.
  4. Click the Forgot Password? option. Enter your email address and click Submit. Follow the instructions you’ll receive in your email. If you can’t find the email, please check the Spam or Promotions folders.
  5. If nothing helps, please contact support via email [email protected] and include the email you used for your purchase and app signup.

If the login details don’t seem to be right, please try the Forgot Password? option. Enter your email address and click submit. Follow the instructions you’ll receive in your email. If you can’t see the letter, please check the Spam or Promotion folders. Once you’ve changed your password, try to log into your account in the app. If that doesn’t solve the issue, please contact support via email [email protected] and include the email you used for registration.

Yes, our service is subscription based. You can also cancel at any time!

If you’ve decided to cancel your subscription, please contact us via email [email protected] and we’ll do it for you. Also, after the subscription is canceled, you’ll still have access to subscription services until the billing period ends. Simply deleting the app or unsubscribing from emails won’t cancel your subscription. Make sure you follow the steps above.

Find out more about Virtue Map cancellation in our blog

We are committed to a quality anti-procrastination plan, but if you’re not satisfied with it, we’ll offer you a partial or full refund depending on the issue. Just contact our customer support and send us detailed information on the issue. Please be ready to provide some form of proof of payment.

Please read more about this policy on our Money – Back Guarantee page: