The Link Between Stress and Fatigue: How to Manage Both

A common bodily response to changes in our environments is called stress which can result in physical, emotional, and cognitive reactions. We might experience burnout or emotional exhaustion due to persistently high levels of stress and worry, which frequently aggravate unpleasant feelings like anxiety. Training in stress management might make it easier for you to adapt to change healthily.

What is Stress Fatigue?

Physical weariness differs from emotional exhaustion when it results from stress. It is mental fatigue brought on by worrying or difficulty handling a crisis. Instead of coming from physical effort, it is the outcome of ideas and feelings. You may have dealt with stress for so long that you no longer see its drawbacks. You consider this to be “normal.” You might not know what is wrong with you and have come to terms with living with continual fatigue.


Being weary or feeling sleepy is not the same as being fatigued. At the end of the day, when our bodies need to sleep to regenerate, we often feel weary. Fatigue is a persistent sensation of lack of drive or energy, even if it might make you weary or sleepy. Knowing the difference between physical exhaustion and fatigue brought on by stress may help you decide whether to consult your doctor.


Physical tiredness is a byproduct of our actions and disappears once we take the opportunity to sleep or relax. Suppose you experience weariness and find that sleep or rest does not make you feel better. In that case, you may be experiencing fatigue brought on by stress.

Symptoms of Stress-Related Exhaustion

While general tiredness, feeling weary or sleepy are the primary signs of fatigue, stress-related fatigue is frequently accompanied by other symptoms, such as:


  • Muscle aches, pains, or a sense of weakness
  • Headache
  • Irritation or grumpiness
  • Unsteadiness and hazy eyesight
  • Reduced appetite
  • Having trouble with short-term memory
  • Inability to focus or pay attention to duties
  • Slowed decision-making processes or reflexes
  • Feeling as though your efforts are futile or as though your circumstances are unchangeable
  • A lack of drive


You might frequently feel alone and lonely once your stress has worn you out to the point of weariness. You also can feel the need to run away or the overpowering need to slip into bed and stay there. Chronic stress frequently harms your relationships and career, leaving you feeling inadequate and alone.

Ways to Release Stress

Generally speaking, by changing a few aspects of your lifestyle, you may control the symptoms of emotional weariness. Once you identify the root of your stress, you can manage it by making an effort to reduce that stressor in your life.


Here are some techniques for reducing stress:


  • Reduce stress – Keeping active and exercising frequently is one of the best strategies to handle stress healthily. It helps you to declutter your mind and lessen the severity of the emotions you experience when you’re anxious.
  • Improve your lifestyle — By improving your physical and mental health, leading a healthy lifestyle can help you be more resilient to stress. You can keep a balanced diet, avoid smoking and drinking, and create a sleep schedule.
  • Maintaining a healthy work-life balance means ensuring that neither your job nor your family dominates your life. You can schedule your vacation and downtime to ensure you have the time to do the things you enjoy, like reading, watching movies, or just relaxing in the park.
  • Practice mindfulness: According to research, mindfulness can help people feel less anxious and depressed. This way of living integrates the mind and body and aids in reducing stress. Simple mindfulness exercises like reading and meditation can be done anywhere, at any time.
  • Develop your social network since it will help you be more resilient to stress. Consider reaching out to friends or family members who are good at listening and can empathize with you. 


We should be proactive about our mental health as a vital part of personal and professional well-being since mental weariness and stress can be hazardous outcomes of today’s environment. Knowing the signs of stress and fatigue and how to deal with them are excellent ways to keep your mental health in check.


If you need help managing your stress and fatigue, take advantage of Virtue Maps tactics and techniques for banishing procrastination and keeping your mental health in check.

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